The IV AMMCS International Conference
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | August 20-25, 2017
AMMSCS 2017 Plenary Talk
Learning from Elastic Network Models: From Proteins to Chromatin Dynamics
Ivet Bahar (University of Pittsburgh)
Elastic network models proved to be powerful tools for exploring the
collective dynamics of biomolecular systems in the last two decades. Numerous
examples demonstrate their applicability to a broad range of phenomena, from
allosteric transitions, to modeling protein-substrate interactions key to
regulation and signaling events, to supramolecular machinery. Recent advances
in cryo-EM characterizaton of big structures as well as genome-scale
identification of 3D contacts between gene loci now open the way to a new
level of applications, including the exploration of the 3D structural dynamics
of the chromosomes, with the help of elastic network models, further
supporting their utility as a tool applicable across multiple scales, from
molecules to genome-wide associations.

Distinguished Professor and John K. Vries Chair, Department of
Computational and Systems Biology, School of Medicine (SOM),
University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). Associate Director, University of Pittsburgh Drug Discovery Institute.