The IV AMMCS International Conference
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | August 20-25, 2017
The 2017 AMMCS Post-Congress News:
AMMCS-2017 is an interdisciplinary international conference in a series of AMMCS meetings held in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The AMMCS Conference Series aims at promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration involving mathematical and computational sciences within a larger international community, and highlighting recent advances in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS). In 2017 the conference will be held in August (August 20-25, 2017). From its inception this conference series has been organized in cooperation with AIMS and SIAM.
The conference provides a unique opportunity for in-depth technical discussions and exchange of ideas in all areas involving mathematical and computational sciences, modeling and simulation, as well as their applications in natural and social sciences, engineering and technology, industry and finance. It offers to researchers, industrialists, engineers and students to present their latest research, to interact with the experts in the field, and to foster interdisciplinary collaborations required to meet the challenges of modern science, technology, and society.

Located just west of Toronto in the Canada Research Triangle area, the city of Waterloo is home to two universities (University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University), the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Research in Motion, and many other innovative institutions. The venue of the AMMCS-2017 is the Waterloo Campus of the Wilfrid Laurier University, the oldest university in the tri-city of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and the Guelph areas. It is a beautiful part of Canada located in a comfortable driving distance from some of North America's most spectacular tourist destinations, including the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve.
AMMCS-2017 is a major international forum for exchange of ideas in an interdisciplinary setting with focus on mathematical and computational sciences, as well as their applications in natural and social sciences, engineering and technology, industry and finance. The previous event in this series, held in 2015 as the AMMCS-CAIMS Congress, was combining the AMMCS and CAIMS meetings at the same location. The 2017 meeting will follow then traditions of highly successful previous biannual meetings in this series.
We look forward to welcoming you in Waterloo on the occasion of this exciting interdiciplinary event.